Great River Region


  • Our Bylaws
  • Our Board


    Ratified on November 1, 2017 - Revision 2, Replaces Original from November 12, 2005
    As authorized by Article 10 of the Articles of incorporation, these bylaws shall constitute the operating rules and regulations of the Sports Car Club of America, Great River Region, Inc. and shall supplement the Articles of Incorporation.


    The name of the club shall be the Sports Car Club of America, Great River Region, Incorporated (GRR).
    The GRR is Region number 99 located in the Central Division of the Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated (SCCA).
    The general purpose of the GRR shall be to promote interest in sports cars and other enthusiast automobiles and to encourage their safe and skillful operation and enjoyment by developing, arranging and regulating various forms of automotive competitive and social events. To act as a source of technical information, establish rules and regulations governing all activities of the GRR and to own real and personal property as incidental to the foregoing purposes.


    The GRR shall be composed primarily of members in good standing of the SCCA who reside in the area designated as Region #99 consisting of the following counties in Iowa; Clinton, Lee, Henry, Scott, Washington, Davis, Jefferson, Louisa, Van Buren, Des Moines, Keokuk, Muscatine and Wapello, or in the following counties in Illinois; Henry, Mercer, Knox, Warren, Henderson and Rock Island.
    The membership year shall be the same as that of the SCCA. Any person desiring membership in the SCCA and the GRR may apply to SCCA according to the procedures specified in the SCCA Operations manual.
    A person accepted for Regular Membership in SCCA and residing in the above counties shall also become a member of the GRR. Members of the SCCA residing outside the geographical limits of the GRR may also be accepted as members of the GRR. Any member of the SCCA may become a member of the GRR by submitting an application, accompanied by the amount of the annual regional dues, to the GRR Membership Chairman.
    Any member of another Region who moves their place of residence inside the geographical limits of the GRR may be accepted as a member of the GRR for the remainder of the year without paying further dues. Any member of the GRR who moves their place of residence out of the geographical limits of the GRR shall be considered a member for the remainder of the membership year.
    Any member of the GRR who leaves the area on a nonpermanent duty while in the service of the United States Government, whether in uniform or as a civilian employee, shall remain a member of GRR without further payment of dues until such duty is completed, provided that such member remains in good standing with the SCCA. Any member may resign from the GRR by giving notice in writing to any Board Member and such resignation shall take effect from the date of receipt.
    Any member who exhibits conduct unbecoming a sportsman and/or a citizen in good standing may, upon majority vote of the Board of Directors (BOD) present at any regular BOD meeting, be suspended from the GRR. The Regional Executive (RE) shall then inform the National Board of Directors of such action stating the cause in detail, adding such comments as desired so that the National Board may take such action as they deem advisable. However, the member shall have an opportunity to submit in writing and/or in person to the RE their position on any charge of which they shall be notified either before or after the suspension. The RE shall bring the matter before the BOD at the next meeting.
    Annual membership dues shall be determined by a majority vote of the GRR BOD members present at any regular board meeting.


    Meetings of the members shall be held at such time and place as the GRR BOD shall decide. Notice of any such meeting shall be communicated to every member of GRR at least ten (10) days before the date of such meeting. Meetings of the GRR BOD shall be as called for by the RE. All such board meetings are open to the membership unless specifically closed by the RE.
    A quorum of the BOD shall be at least a majority of the board members. An annual meeting of the membership of GRR shall normally be held during the month of November. The time and place shall be as designated by the BOD and communicated to all members. A quorum for the meeting of the members shall be at least ten (10) plus 10% of the total GRR membership.


    The BOD of the GRR shall consist of members elected at the annual Meeting of the Membership to fill the following board positions; Regional Executive (RE), Assistant Regional Executive (Asst. RE), Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman and four (4) Directors-at-Large. The following positions may be appointed by the RE from either the BOD or volunteers from the GRR membership; Chairman of the Solo Events committee, Editor of the GRR newsletter, Merchandise Chairman, Archivist, Webmaster, Competition Chairman and other positions as deemed necessary.
    The RE shall direct the affairs of the Region in accordance with the purposes and Bylaws of the GRR and SCCA. The RE shall preside at meetings and, with the fellow officers, plan and execute the activities for the Region. The RE shall make all appointments to such committees as may be needed. The RE shall be the co-signer on accounts managed by the Treasurer.
    The Assistant Regional Executive shall function in place of the RE in an absence or when delegated. The Asst. RE shall also function as the event Operations Chairman to oversee planning and administration of the GRR meetings and events; including responsibility for SCCA event applications, sanctions and audits.
    The Secretary shall keep the records and conduct the correh5spondence for the GRR subject to the general direction and supervision of the RE. The Secretary shall keep an active and current membership roster as provided by the Membership Chairman.
    The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all fees and assessments for the GRR, prepare and present at the Annual Membership meeting a financial statement for the year. The Treasurer shall also prepare and file any required tax documents.
    The Membership Chairman shall furnish application forms to prospective members and forward the application form to SCCA. The Membership Chairman shall also keep an active and current membership roster.
    The Directors-at-Large shall be voting board members on all issues. They shall also be available for specialized task assignments from the RE. Positions appointed by the RE will have their tasks defined by the RE.


    On or before August 1st of each year, the RE shall appoint a Nominating Committee. The committee shall recruit and nominate a slate of candidates for office and provide the slate to the RE prior to September 1st. On or before September 15th, the Secretary shall communicate the slate of nominees to the membership. Any five (5) members of the GRR may nominate a candidate(s), by October 1st by furnishing the RE with a written nomination signed by the members and the nominee. The Secretary shall prepare a ballot containing the names of all persons nominated.
    Eligible voters are Regular Members age 16 or older on the date of the annual meeting. All voters are eligible to be candidates for the BOD.
    On or before October 10th, the Secretary shall forward to all eligible voters 1) by first class mail, the ballot, notice of Annual Meeting, a return envelope with space provided for signature, and an envelope marked "BALLOT", and optionally 2) by email, a link to an online ballot and notice of Annual Meeting. All mailed ballots, to be considered, must be sealed in the envelope marked "BALLOT" and returned to the Secretary in the return envelope furnished, properly signed by the member on the return envelope. All online ballots, to be considered, must include the first name, last name and SCCA Member Number on the ballot. Online ballots to be counted must be submitted by midnight the day before the Annual Meeting. The mailed ballots to be counted must be delivered to the Secretary before or on the day of the Annual Meeting. No other ballots than the above stated shall be furnished by any member.
    Upon receipt of the mailed ballot the secretary shall mark the records. On the day of the Annual Meeting, the Secretary shall print the online ballot results and seal in an envelope. The return envelope containing the mailed “Ballot” envelope and the envelope containing the online ballot results shall be delivered to the RE at the annual meeting. The RE shall appoint a Ballot Committee who shall remove the "BALLOT" envelope and online ballot results from the return envelopes, deliver the return envelopes to the RE and then count the ballots and advise the RE of the results.
    The RE, having completed a term and not being elected to the BOD, shall automatically be ex-officio member of the BOD, without vote, for the initial two meetings of the new board.
    The members receiving the most votes shall be those available to fill the various board positions. In the case of a tie vote for the last position, the RE shall conduct another secret ballot election between the tied candidates at the Annual Meeting.
    The previous year BOD members shall hold their offices until the newly elected members can hold a meeting to determine who holds which office; only then will supersede the previous incumbent.
    The BOD shall fill all vacancies in office that may occur between annual elections by the appointment of any qualified member to the position for the remainder of the term.


    The fiscal year of the GRR shall begin on December 1st annually and end on November 30 of the following year.


    These bylaws may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the members present at any meeting of the members. Notice of any motion to amend shall be communicated to all members at least one month prior to the vote. No amendment shall be valid if it conflicts with the GRR Articles of Incorporation or any bylaws or directives of SCCA.